5 Day Kundalini Journey

Monday - Friday  

Feb 5th - 9th 

9 - 10:30 am Daily 

PALMA Colectiva 1221 State St. Suite 24 in Victoria Court 

A five day Kundalini Journey with Abigail Lorick. Available in person and on-line. 

In my experience we do not “arrive” at a space of enlightenment or ever stop growing. It is a process that never ends. It is a process that ebbs and flows, it has highs and lows, light and dark - Through Kundalini, I have come into a flow and rhythm within and I would like to share it with you.”

Join us on a 5 day Kundalini Journey that will support and guide you through the contraction and expansion of life. 

Day 1: Break Through

Day 2: Clear

Day 3: Balance and Align

Day 4: Reconnect

Day 5: Repeat

 As we move through this practice and articulate these tools in class, we create space within ourselves for this flow and then this space organically moves into our daily lives.


Photo By Robbie Lawrence

Bridging the Seasons

At Piaule Catskills

Mondas: October 9, 16, or 23


2 hour workshop

The outer rhythms of the seasons can provide the space for our inner rhythms to be felt and acknowledged.  The fall season is calling us to retreat, reflect, and to go inward.  Can we listen and follow nature’s wisdom, or do we fall into the trap of social conditioning to go more out and about?  Every season brings a wave of emotional shifts and growth opportunities.  Just as the trees bring great fiery colors to their leaves, then fall to the ground to be nutrition for the earth – can we sit within ourselves and observe what is moving and changing within?  What is called to let go of?  What longs to be implemented?  In this workshop we share tools that support the strengthening of your sense of listening and deserving. 

Facilitated by Abigail Lorick and Siddhi Ma

Photo by Angel Besa

Couples Workshop, relating: 

Into Me I See

At Piaule Catskills

Fridays: October 6, 13, or 27


2 hour workshop

In this workshop couples have time and space to deepen their way of relating, while moving into enhanced levels of intimacy: “Into me you see.” 

How do we expand into our, “We” space while honoring our individuality? 

The eyes are the windows to the soul.  In the era of increased virtual connection, we look more “at” and less “into” each other. 

The tools shared in this workshop offer a wonderful foundation to keep your relationship thriving and exciting!

Facilitated by Abigail Lorick and Siddhi Ma

Artist unknown

Meeting the outside with a strong inside:  regulating the internal systems.   

At Piaule Catskills

Wednesday: October 18


2 hour workshop

Our bodies can become so accustomed to constant stress, anxiety, and overstimulation that they can enter a state of physical numbness. It's important to reintroduce our bodies to self-regulation and relaxation. This workshop is designed to provide a revitalizing boost to our internal systems. By focusing on our glandular, lymphatic, and nervous systems, we will infuse the body with rejuvenation and vitality. True relaxation involves nurturing the body rather than subjecting it to abuse.

Throughout the workshop, we will explore the interludes between intense exercises, allowing our bodies the necessary time to heal and regenerate through relaxation. As a valuable takeaway, each participant will receive a brief meditation practice to carry with them beyond the workshop, enabling them to reconnect with a sense of tranquility in their daily lives.

Facilitated by Abigail Lorick and Siddhi Ma

So Powerful and Impactful. Can’t wait for the next one
— Truman Davis


3 day workshop

How we relate to ourselves on the inside directly reflects how we relate to everything and everyone outside of us.   We must first meet ourselves within so we can authentically go outside and meet the world.

Embracing the Mother Within is a workshop that is designed to go within ourselves and heal the relationship with our mother and foremothers mothers.   We carry emotional and physical characteristics of our foremothers for 9 generations back.  It is vital that we acknowledge, heal, and move through these characteristics so we can fully come into our own authentic self. 

Working within the modalities kundalini, pranayama, yoga, meditation, nature rituals and inquiry - our intention is to create an internal and external experience in which we relate to the mother within and feel acknowledge and nourished.  

Absolute bliss.
— Sima Morrison

Identity and the Commitment to the Sacred Self

Kundalini Yoga by Abigail Lorick Sourced by Siddhi Ma

5 day workhsop

Exploration of the identity.

What does identity mean to you?

How do you relate to your identity?

Does your identity serve you or do you serve it? 

Doing is not who you are.

In this Identity Exploration workshop of five days at PALMA Colectiva we will explore and move through our identity, recommit to the sacred authentic self, ignite the fire and discipline to honor that self, all the while surrendering to our divinity, and ever evolving existence.

Day 1: Identity - Breaking down and through only to discover and find our true, authentic self and open space to recommit ourselves to that authenticity.

Day 2:  From here we will ignite the needed fire for that commitment to the Self.

Day 3:  We explore Discipline, for without Discipline our commitments are just kites flying in the sky without an anchor to the earth.

Day 4: We Surrender - once the work has been put in on our end, it is now time to surrender to the divine within us. “Universe show me how good it gets”

Day 5:  Ever Evolving - what does it look like  we move and live from a commitment to the authentic self?

© Felicia Honkasalo 2019, Courtesy Loose Joints

 Embracing the Feminine Essence: Where Do We Women Stand Today?

2 hour workshop

As women, we have made significant strides together, yet our journey to fully embody the essence of the Feminine is far from complete. While we've achieved much, there remains a substantial amount of transformative work ahead. Our empowerment is intricately tied to our voices being heard.

In this upcoming workshop, our focus will be on anchoring ourselves in the present moment. We will tap into the wellspring of our inner strength, allowing it to radiate and guide us. Additionally, we'll address the importance of self-expression by specifically working with the 1st, 3rd, and 5th chakras, clearing any blockages that hinder our authentic voice. Through these practices, we'll collectively step further into our power and continue the beautiful journey of embracing the Feminine within us.

 My voice is necessary. My voice is necessary. My voice is necessary.

Spiritual Activism - Aligning our inner forces to serve our existence.

2 hour workshop

During this workshop, our primary focus lies in harmonizing our energy centers with the purpose of serving the planet.  We seek to understand how we can effectively channel our energies into both the metaphysical realms and the tangible world around us.  Our aim is to explore ways to cultivate a stronger connection with a thriving global community, requiring us to step beyond our personal bubbles.  Can we transform the tools of our modern lives, once divisive into instrument of unity?  In this workshop we will inquire into the profound interconnectedness by activating the crown charka, the gateway to our divine connection and unity which binds all existence.  Once the global connection is established, we will transition into a phase of determining and committing to nurture this newfound connection.  The time we live in requires bridging the gap between the spiritual and the concrete to foster a sense of purposeful togetherness.